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Current Application - BIF-Monitor @ UNILAC

During the last years the BIF method was applied successfully at the GSI heavy ion LINAC for various ion species and energies between 5 and 11.4 MeV/u. In 2009 four x-y BIF-Monitors with eight intensified camera systems in total will be installed at the UNILAC. Two cameras per BIF-station record beam profiles in horizontal and vertical direction (x,y):

X-Y orientated intensified cameras at UNILAC UT-1 station

BIF-Monitor with a motorized filter wheel and 10 nm narrowband interference filters for spectral investigation of nitrogen emissions at the UNILAC experimental cave X2

Technical Drawings

Diagnostic Box UNI-DK 1130

Linear Feedthrouh UNI-DL 1140

This feedthrouh is used for positioning the calibration tool on beam axis

Calibration Tool

Camera Mounting and Covering

projects/bif-monitor/application.1234880591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/02/01 21:53 (external edit)