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LOBIED - Neu: BEA (gesamt)

ED Team - Neu: “ELD” (Elektronic Development, NF und HF-Labor)

Allgemeine Info Strahlstrom-Transformatoren / BCTs

UNILAC-Tanksignalanzeige im HKR

IFC - Strom-Frequenz-Wandler

VME Digital Input/Output (V-DIO) System

7-Range Current Digitizer CD10xx (FRS)

This very old design from GSI's EE dept. provides 10E-10, 10E-9, 10E-8, 10E-7, 10E-6, 10E-5 or 1E0-4 C per pulse and a full-scale frequency of 10kHz. It is mainly used in the FRS beamline for historic reasons. Formerly, it was controlled by the BEA's “Walterkisten”, but has today to be operated with the new VDIO-control unit via the old electronic adapter:

Info about 7-Range Current Digitizer CD10xx (FRS)

Resonant Beam Charge Transformer (RT)

A resonant current transformer (RT) is a non-intercepting diagnostic device for the precise determination of the total electric charge of a bunched particle beam. The primary observable is the total electric charge of the transported particle bunch or batch, measured by the instrument after the passage of the entire beam pulse. The RT can be only used for fast extracted beams (bunches/batches with up to several microseconds duration).

%Info about Resonant Transformers
Design Considerations for Resonant Transformers in FAIR

Info Ferrit-Ringkerne und Bewicklungen

Info Kopfverstärker FAIR-RT

Info RT-Digitalisierkarten in Galerie

FAIR Prototyp Ringkern-Bewicklung

Integrating Beam Charge Transformer (ICT)

Kalibrierpuls-Generator für resonanten und Breitband-Strahltransformator

Automatisierte Tests von Geräten mit Python


Test von Wilfried: Link

FAIR Eigenlösungen für DAQ

SIS18 Schottky and BTF Switch

P-Linac BPM and TOF Amplifier

108,408MHz Frequenzverdoppler/-verdreifacher/variabler Verstärker

ed/ed.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 14:58 by christoph