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OTR with Image Intensified Camera System

After first testing with a simple CCD, a custom designed Proxitronic image intensified camera system #18804 was used for further investigation of OTR. The system is specified as follows:

  • Bialkali photocathode (200 - 600 nm)
  • V-stack double Multichannelplate (diam. 25mm)
  • P46 Phosphor (decay 90%-10% in 300ns)
  • Relay-Optic coupling (β 0.6)
  • AVT Marlin CCD, monochrome, vga resolution

This setup enables single photon counting and fast triggering. A timing window of 100 ns could be used even for low currents, still achieving reasonable signal. The following was investigated:

  • Shifted 50µs time-window to measure the change of OTR signal before/ during/ after the beam pulse » thermal afterglow could be for sure excluded !
  • OTR signal comparison for polished stainless steel and for aluminium foil (10µm Al on Kapton)
  • Current variation between 0,2µA and 10µA (1,4 E+07 - 7 E+08 ppp)
  • OTR signal for different thicknesses of stripping foils (carbon: 370 µg/cm² ; 571 µg/cm² ; 563 µg/cm²)


First of all the data was analysed to see roughly the dependency of the light yield to the ion charge state.

fair-rnd/beamtimes-2011/otr-x2/otr_with_image_intensifier.txt · Last modified: 2012/02/17 13:56 by candre