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Boot Procedure

After complete power cycle all AFCs should boot itself. Before CPU is going to boot MATPEX card need to be enabled.

Login to over SSH and connect to MCH console

#Left MCH
screen /dev/ttyACM0 19200   (STRG A + STRG D to detach vom screen)
#Right MCH
screen /dev/ttyACM1 19200

List all FRU using command show_fru

MATPEX occupies slot AMC2 (fru id 6)

After typing fru_start 6 MATPEX should go into state M4

After all modules are running you may enable CPU using command fru_start 5

FPGA boot/reset

Login to over SSH and check if hw server is running. If not type:


Open VivadoLab 2017.1 Open Hadware Manager session connect to sdlx008 jtag server

download scansta JTAG switch script

source AxiJtag/scansta_afc.tcl
connect_hw_server -url

From FPGA context menu (right mous click on xc7a200t) select Boot from configuration memory

CPU need to be rebooted after FPGA boot.

FPGA paritial reset

Connect over JTAG to a module, probe file required

AFC 3.1 MMC Programming HowTo


Install LPCXpresso on Linux PC.

LPC_Link (1) on table with AFC on table

USB Cable connected to PC and LPC_Link

dedicated cable from Piotr to JTAG in the middle of AFC with cables heading to FMC connectors

on LPC Link J4 left row with Black = Pin15

enter command on Linux PC:

dfu-util -d 0x0471:0xdf55 -c 0 -t 2048 -R -D /usr/local/lpcxpresso/lpcxpresso/bin/LPCXpressoWIN.enc

/usr/local/lpcxpresso/lpcxpresso/bin/crt_emu_cm3_nxp -pLPC1768 -g -wire=winusb -load-base=0 -flash-load-exec=openMMC-full-afc-bpm-v1.4.0.bin

AFC Firmware (Sirius):

Before any FPGA configuration can be performed, you need to switch SCANSTA JTAG switch. Untill than FPGA won't be visible in Vivado. You will find instructions here

jtag_scansta.tcl (TCL-Script):

#set JTAG */xilinx_tcf/Xilinx/*
set JTAG */xilinx_tcf/Digilent/*

catch open_hw
catch {connect_hw_server -url localhost:3121}
current_hw_target [get_hw_targets $JTAG]
set_property PARAM.FREQUENCY 3000000 [get_hw_targets $JTAG]
catch {open_hw_target -jtag_mode 1}

run_state_hw_jtag reset
run_state_hw_jtag idle
scan_ir_hw_jtag 8 -tdi 00
scan_ir_hw_jtag 8 -tdi a0
scan_ir_hw_jtag 8 -tdi a5
scan_dr_hw_jtag 8 -tdi 5a
scan_ir_hw_jtag 8 -tdi c3
#On proper setup last step should return 0x00
scan_dr_hw_jtag 8 -tdi 5a -tdo 00

Flash Chip on AFC 3.1 for FPGA Firmware: mt25ql256-spi-x1_x2_x4

ds/projects/cryring/bpmboot.1581421804.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/11 12:50 by tobiashoffmann