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Board "Rahmenplsback"

This board acepts 1pol lemo cables carrying “Rahmenpulse” from feet throughs at the back of the cassis and concentrates the signals to four female VG connectors. Those connectors pass the signals via adapter bords “AMP68VG96” and NI-cable “SHC68-68-EP” to the NI PXI-7811R FPGA-board:

Schaltung Rahmenplsback

There is one mistake in the skematic that should not take effect because of the later outside made connections: As can be seen in the middle of first coloum at connector P1C2A: There the GND connection for the connectors J13,J15,J18, J19, J21 and J24 is missing.

projects/maps/mapsadapter/rahmenpulsmodul/rahmenplsback.1324288061.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/12/19 10:47 by carsten