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Tivoli Storage Manager TSM

How to setup the backup for your computer

These are the installation instructions I got from Matthias Feyerabend. If you want your machine to be in the daily backup, write him an email with your computername (sdpcxxxx) and tell him to integrate your machin in he backup. When you received an answer, do the following steps.

Get install image: (choose the correct version)

get image TSM534C_X32.exe

Install instructions are under

TSM534C_X32_README_enu.htm, basically:

the installation involves two phases:

    1. Extract the install image to your hard drive.
    2. Install the client from the install image.


Installing a custom dsm.opt file

If you want to install a custom dsm.opt file, place a copy of the file in the ..\config directory located within the install image:

E:\tsm_images\TSM_BA_Client\baclient\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\config

The file must be named dsm.opt.

The custom dsm.opt file will not be installed if a dsm.opt file already exists in the ..\baclient directory.


1. To configure you need at least these two options:

tcpserveraddress tcpport 1500

Enter the values when prompted from a wizard or write them into a file E:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt

2. To get automatic backup during night, you have to do:

a. login as localadmin.

b. DOS command prompt and execute:

cd /d E:\“program files”\tivoli\tsm\baclient

c. execute command

dsmcutil inst /name:“TSM Client Scheduler” /node:XXXXX /password:XXXXX /autostart:yes

(change XXXXX to your nodename! (for example sdpc0815)

3. The following rights are needed for normal users to do backup and restore (see the pictures below):

  • Do not set the right for the user 'Mueller' but for yourself!!!
  • Member of backup operators group (rights to do backup and restore)
  • Manage auditing and security logs

Rainer Haseitl 2008/05/15 15:10

Do you find the bug ?

There is a bug in the following C-Code, can you find it? 8-) Some compilers seem not to follow the C++ standard and correct the error “on their own”. In this case, assume that you have a good old standard C++ compiler.

#include <stdio.h>

int square(int arg) {
	return arg*arg;
int cube(int arg) {
	return arg*arg*arg;
int main() 
	int x;
	x = 5;
	/* Calculate 5^2 + 6^3 */
	printf("Result: %d", square(x) + cube(++x));
	return 0;

You found the bug or have a question? →

misc/tsm-backup.1295970723.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/25 16:52 by rhaseitl