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DAQ for CryRing Cups

The cups in the CryRing LEBT are read out with the CryCup FESA class (CryCupDU deploy unit). The signal from the cups is amplified by a Femto DHCPA-100 variable gain high speed current amplifier. The signal is then digitzed by a Struck SIS3302 100MHz 16 bit ADC and analyzed by the FESA class. The settings of Femto amplifier can be adjusted by the FESA class via a Struck SIS3820 output register.

The FESA class is designed to operated with DC beams as well as bunched beams. However, the preferred operaiton mode is with bunched beams.


ds/projects/cryring/cups.1421935799.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/22 15:09 by haraldbraeuning