This Wiki page is dedicated to BI instruments.
Beam Induced Fluorescence Monitors are used for non-intercepting transverse profile measurements in residual gas on a single shot basis. BIF Monitor Overview
BLMs are foreseen at SIS100, HEBT, HESR and CR. For testing, some different types of detectors are installed at SIS18 and the experimantal cave HTP. Overview
Transversal beam profiles in the FAIR accelerators and beam lines will be performed by Profile Aquisition Digitizers, newly designed and developped for MWPC grids.
POLAND Overview
System to measure, analyse and display transversal beam profiles in accelerator and storage rings. It is used in the heavy ion synchrotron (SIS18) and the experimental storage ring (ESR) both of them at GSI. Also it is used in COSY/FZ-Juelich. The ESR and the COSY systems work with optical detectors and cameras while the current SIS18 type is used with a wire array readout. A new IPM is going to be installed in the SIS18 also with optical detectors and camera readout shortly.
This system was designed and constructed to monitor and display the analog signals of the UNILAC beam current transformers, in addition to the already established macro pulse current read-out (via the GSI control system). Users can choose two or more signals from up to 128 BCTs for display by their client software.
MAPS Overview 2005 - 2012
The DCCTs are DC beam current transformers, based on the magnetic-modulator or fluxgate technology. They are designated to measure the high intensity beam currents circulating in SIS18 and ESR, as well as in the FAIR synchrotron SIS100. One GSI-made high-resolution instrument installed in each of the existing ring accelerators, while SIS18 contains an additional commercial DCCT from Bergoz Instruments, matching the demands of higher beam currents. CRYRING@ESR is still equipped with the original Bergoz PCT, already used in the MSL (S).
DCCT Overview
The N-DCCT is a DC beam current transformer, based on GMR or TMR magnetic sensor technology. It is designated to measure the high intensity beam currents circulating in the FAIR synchrotron SIS100.
N-DCCT Overview
The CCCs are used for the precise beam current measurements and are foreseen to be installed in different locations in FAIR HEBT sections and in CR.
CCC Overview
The FCTs are passive beam current transformers, optimized for the time-resolved instantaneous intensity monitoring of short beam pulses. They are used to measure the high intensity ion bunches circulating in GSI's SIS18 and ESR, as well as in the FAIR synchrotron SIS100, and/or bunches or bunch batches transferred along the various GSI and FAIR high energy beam lines.
They can only be used for fast extracted (kicked) beams
FCT Overview
Target of this project is the remote control of up to 24 current-to-frequency converters used to read out particle currents on collimators in the SIS18 ring. The collimators were designed to prevent halo ions from hitting the vacuum chambers, which in turn would degrade the UHV.