Name | Title | Download |
Bayesteh, Shima | Conceptual ideas on single shot transverse diagnostics for electron bunches at REGAE | slides |
Bravin, Enrico | Scintillating screens use at CERN | slides |
Buck, Alexander | Scintillating Screens for laser-accelerated relativistic electron bunch diagnostics | slides |
Cyrille, Thomas | Scintillator screens at Diamond | slides |
Diezemann, Daniel | CMOS Sensors: HDR and e2v | slides |
Finocchiaro, Paolo | Screens for low current beams | slides |
Gütlich, Eiko | Scintillating screens for ion beams | slides |
Ischebeck, Rasmus | Scintillators for SwissFEL | slides |
Krishnakumar, Renuka | Investigation of Scintillation Screens for High Energetic Heavy Ion Beams at GSI | slides |
Kube, Gero | Resolution Studies of inorganic Scintillation Screens for high energetic and high brilliant Electron Beams | slides |
Lecoq, Paul | Principles and Applications of Scintillators | slides |
Lumpkin, Alex | Comparisons and Applications of Scintillator and OTR Screens for Bright Electron Beams (workshop lecture) | slides |
Lumpkin, Alex | Imaging of Charged-Particle Beams with OTR and ODR (wednesday seminar) | slides |
Lumpkin, Alex | Feasibility of OTR imaging of non-relativistic ions at GSI | paper |
Lushchik, Aleksandr | Luminescence and defects creation at the relaxation of various electronic excitations in wide-gap materials | slides |
Mäder, Jan | Usage of viewing screens at the ECR ion source at GSI | slides |
Matern, Sascha | Szintillation screen variations | slides |
Olvegaard, Maja | OTR screen development at CTF3 | slides |
Perdikakis, George | Scintillator screens at ReA3 | slides |
Sakhorn, Rimjaem | Screen investigations for low energetic electron beams at PITZ | slides |
Strohmeier, Markus | Scintillator based low energy beam diagnostics at the LBNL 88-inch cyclotron | slides |
Toulemonde, Marcel | Swift heavy ions and particles tracks in materials | slides |
Tous, Jan | Crytur Single Crystal Scintillator Screens | slides |
Tutsch, Walter | Modern CMOS Image Sensors for Scientific and Industrial Camera Applications | slides |
Wittenburg, Kay | Workshop Summary | slides |
Yan, Minjie | Influence of observation geometry on resolution for beam profile measurements using scintillation screens | slides |
Please email your slides and your contribution to: R.Haseitl [at]