Joint University Accelerator School

Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics

Lecture notes to Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics is available here. This course is presented within half a week at the Joint University Accelerator School in Archamps, close to Geneva.

The course gives an overview of the most frequently used beam diagnostics instruments at electron and proton accelerators, putting about equal weight to LINACs and synchrotrons. In addition, some applications for their use during operation and accelerator physics investigation are discussed.

The outline of the talk is orientated on the beam quantities:
1- Beam current measurements using transformers, Faraday cups and particle detectors
2- Beam profile measurements using various methods, like scintillators screens, SEM-grids, wire scanners, residual gas monitors and synchrotron radiation
3- Transverse emittance measurements with slit-gird devices or reconstruction using quadrupole variation
4- The principle of rf pick-ups for beam position measurements as well as tune or other lattice function determinations
5- Longitudinal measurements of momentum spread and bunch structure using pick-ups, particle detectors or synchrotron radiation
6- Schottky noise analysis for momentum spread and tune determination
7- Beam loss detection for beam alignment and machine protection.

Prerequisites: A good knowledge of general physics is needed, as well as the basics in accelerator theory. The first year university mathematics is presumed, including matrix calculus, Fourier transformation and complex numbers. Only basic knowledge of detector physics, high frequency technologies and electronics is needed, more complex devices will be discussed.

Download Script on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
by P. Forck
pdf file (9 MB)

Download transparencies of lectures as pdf:

Chapter 1: Demands for beam diagnostics
Chapter 2: Measurement of beam current
Chapter 3: Measurement of beam profile
Chapter 4: Measurement of transverse emittance
Chapter 5: Pick-ups for bunched beams
Chapter 6: Measurement of longitudinal parameters
Chapter 7: Schottky noise analysis
Chapter 8: Beam loss detection
Chapter 9: Conclusion


Imprint / Impressum

Verantwortlicher Anbieter im Sinne des § 5 TMG: Peter Forck

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Peter Forck
Planckstraße 1
64291 Darmstadt

Telefon: +49-6159-71 0
Fax: +49-6159-71 2785
E-Mail: p.forck(at)

Professor Dr. Paolo Giubellino, Ursula Weyrich, Jörg Blaurock

Vorsitzender des
Staatssekretär Dr. Georg Schütte

DE 111 671 917

Amtsgericht Darmstadt, HRB 1528