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WebCalendar Help

How to Navigate

To see all entries from previous or next month, use the red navigation buttons on top of the page.

Add New Entry

  1. At the bottom menu klick on “Add New Entry”.

  2. Add a begin and end date in the corresponding field.

  3. Klick on submit.

Delete Entry

  1. Change to “Overview” and klick on your name.

  2. Check the “Eintrag löschen” box.

  3. Klick on submit.
  4. You should see now a notification message that the entry was successfully deleted. You can now go back to “Overview”

Change Entry

  1. Change to “Overview” and klick on your name.

  2. Modify the begin or end date.
  3. Klick on submit.
  4. Change to “Overview” to verify changes.
playground/webcal_help.1482484673.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/23 10:17 by apetit