Table of Contents

Reports of LOBI Experiments SIS-HEST in 2014, for internal usage only

Please post reports from the experiments here

Report on possible position dependence of the HTP SEM by Peter Forck: Report on SEM efficiency

Minimum Detectable Signal for Resonant Transformer and GSI FCT: A. Reiter, December 2014

IFC calibration of HTP reference detectors Ionisation Chamber HTPDI1I and SEM Monitor HTPDI1S: A. Reiter, December 2014
Raw data file (Ablass trending export): data_ifc3_calibration.txt

Report on SEM-Grid meausrements for fast extraction: A. Reier, M.Witthaus 'Summary of SEM Grid Test Measurements' Report by A. Reiter, M. Witthaus December 2014

Slides for SEM-grid + POLAND electronics at HTP on August 2014 by A. Reiter, B. Walasek-Höhne and M. Witthaus: Report SEM-grid + POLAND, Aug. 2014

Slides for Profile Comparison SEM-grid & Cromox at HTP on April 2014 by A. Reiter, B. Walasek-Höhne and H. Bräuning:Report SEM-grid + Screen, April 2014

Slides for Profile Measurement with Cromox screen and 2 GeV protons by A. Reiter: Report on Cromox measurements with protons, May 2014

Report on streak camera installation and first experimental observations by R. Singh, B. Walasek-Höhne and L. Bozyk:Report on Streak Camera

Report on Quadrupolar BPMs by R. Singh, P. Kowina, P. Forck et. al.:Report on Quadrupolar BPMs

Report on TOPOS position Debugging and outlook by R. Singh, K. Lang, P. Kowina et. al.:Report on TOPOS

HB proceedings on Resonance compensation by G. Franchetti et. al.:Coupled third order resonace compensation

LOBI Experiments SIS-HEST July to October 2014

Status July 31, 2014 new

General beamtime schedule, status July 24: august2014_v37.pdf
General beamtime schedule, status July 24: september2014_v37.pdf
General beamtime schedule, status July 24: oktober2014_v37.pdf
Machine experiment shifts, status Oct. 8: maschinenstrahlzeit_sis4_.xlsx
Machine experiment shifts, status July 24: maschinenstrahlzeit_sis4_stand_2407.xlsx
Old LOBI Planning June 24: old_beamtime_planning_status_june24.pdf
Old LOBI Planning July 22: old_beamtime_planning_status_july22.pdf
Old LOBI Planning July 24: old_beamtime_planning_status_july24.pdf

(NS = night shift (start 8 pm, end 6 am), FS=morning shift (start 6 am, end 1 pm), SS = late shift (start 1 pm, end 8 pm)
Bold: Main experiment of the shift
Red: Latest changes…

Date high I low I Experiment
June 23, Mo access till June 29, Su (only UNILAC is running)
July 11, Fr Nitrogen SS S. Ratschow, YS/TS, RS
July 14, Mo Nitrogen SSTS/YS, RS
July 15, Tu Nitrogen SS (FS: Piotr with Pyka Ko-Extr.)TS/YS, AL
July 16, We Nitrogen FS TS,YS, RS
July 24, Th access till Aug. 6, We (FRS experiments)
Aug. 11, Mo Nickel Gold SSNSYS, AL VL, RS
Aug. 12, Tu Nickel Gold SSNS BWH/CA (1Std.), AR, YS, YS
Aug. 13, We Nickel Gold FS SS AL, YS, AR, RS, OC
Aug. 14, Th Nickel Gold SS BWH/CA (~4Std), PB
Aug. 15, Fr Nickel Gold SS VL/PB, AR
Aug. 16, Sa access till Aug. 17, Su (FRS experiments)
Aug. 19, Tu Nitrogen SS YS, VL, RS, AR
Aug. 20, We Nitrogen SS YS, VL, RS, AR
Aug. 27, We Nitrogen Xenon SS AL, PB, RS
Sep. 1, Mo Nitrogen Xenon SS AL, TG, VL, RS
Sep. 2, Tu Nitrogen Xenon SS AL, TG, VL,RS
Sep. 4, Th Nitrogen Xenon SS YS, PB
Sep. 11, Th Nitrogen Xenon FSSS VL (FS), FK (SS)
Sep. 12, Fr Nitrogen Xenon FSSS AL (starting at 6 am), FK, AR, RS
Sep. 13, Sa access till Sep. 16, Tu (only UNILAC is running)
Sep. 17, We Xenon GoldNS VL (2Std.), PB (2Std.), YS (rest of night), start time probably 10pm
Sep. 18, Th Xenon GoldNS YS, start time probably 10pm
Sep. 19, Fr Xenon GoldNS YS, start time probably 10pm
Sep. 20, Sa Xenon Gold SS MW (2Std), YS, , start time 12:30
Sep. 21, Su Xenon Gold FS SS MW (4Std, 6 to 10am), PB (2Std., 10 to 12am), AL (12 to 7pm)
Oct. 15, We Uranium SS beam alignment, AL
Oct. 17, Fr Uranium FS SS AL (6.5 h), RS (SIS BBQ), decission on further exp. on Thursday Oct. 16
Oct. 18, Sa Uranium FS VL (2.5 h, copper target), YS (4 h, spectrocopy)
Oct. 24, Fr Uranium SS BWH (4 h), PB (2.5 h, access required), MW (0.5 h) [not in Stadlmann list]
Oct. 27, Mo Uranium SS YS (6.5 h, profile), RS (SIS BBQ), MW ?, PB (if not finished on Oct. 24)
Oct. 28, Tu Uranium SS YS (3 h, profile), VL (3 h, tunnel, access required)

'Parasitic' means no change of beam parameters an no insertion of devices in the beam path!

General remarks:

Boundary conditionsfor each experiment, status June 25


HTP beam optics by Carl Kleffner: 1 shift at begin of block
pbar detectors by Andreas: 2 shifts, other investigations parasitic e.g. to BIF, shares drive with Plamen
Sinctillators by Plamen: 4 half shifts (3 hours), other investigations parasitic, shares drive with Andreas
BLM at HTP by Vladimir: 4 half shifts (3 hours), different ion species
CCC by Febin: 2 to 3 shifts, connected early and late shifts, in September, after weekend due to LHe filling
Screens by Alice: 10 shifts, different ion species
OTR by Beata: 1 shift in October with Uranium, commissioning earlier maybe parasitic
BIF by Yulia: 10 shifts
BIF background by Thomas and Plamen: 3 shifts
SEM-Grid electronics by Michael: 4 half shifts


Tune and quad. oscillations by Rahul: 4 shifts, other investigations parasitic with target HHD
IPM at SIS by Tino: 3 shifts
BLM at SIS by Vladimir: 4 shifts different ion species
Longitudinal diagnostics at SIS by Oleksandr: only parasitic, participation with rf-group

Sum 47 shifts i.e. overbooking by about 15 shifts!!

Vacation, business trips etc:

Peter: July 19 to August 10, August 18 to September 7, September 18 to 19
Plamen: July 6 to August 12
Rahul: July 19 to July 25, September 13 to September 26, 29 September to 6 October
Tino: July 21 to 23, August 11 to 29
Alice: FS preferred, August 30 (saturday): privat activity taking the whole day
Yulia: no vacation planned
Vladimir: No vacation planned
Andreas: July 19 - July 23 ; August 4 - August 11 ; Sept. 2 - Sept. 7 ; September 3rd week - Mid October
Thomas: August 09 - August 24 ; August 31 - Sept. 5

First agreement for SIS-HEST Feb. to May 2014

Status Feb. 12, 2014

Beamtime shifts, status Feb. 12: maschinenstrahlzeit_sis_feb12.xlsx
Old SIS beamtime shifts, status Jan. 29: maschinenstrahlzeit_sis.xlsx

(FS=morning shift (start 6 am), SS = late shift (end 8 pm), both about 7 hour each)
red: Changes since last notificaton.

Feb. 14 to 17 May be access to HTP (due to UNILAC exp.)
Feb. 24, Mo Uranium SS Beam alignment and commissioning of all installations:
List of priorities see below
Feb. 25, Tu Uranium FS Screens + further commissioning of installations
March 6, Th Uranium FSSS pbar-det./QFW(FS) + OTR(FS) + Screens(SS) + IC-calib.
March 7, Fr Uranium FSSS OTR + Screens(FS) + IC-calib.
March 10 to 12 Access to HTP (due to UNILAC exp.)
March 21, Fr Krypton SSScreens + pbar-det. + BIF (first test)
March 22, Sa Krypton SSScreens + pbar-det. + BIF (first test)
March 29, Sa Krypton SSQBPM + BLM-SIS18 (i.e. exp. in SIS)
March 30, SoKrypton SSQBPM + BLM-SIS18 (i.e. exp. in SIS)
April 7, Mo NickelFS SSBIF + QBPM + BLM-SIS18 + BLM-HTP
April 9, We Nickel SSBIF + Screens
April 10, Th NickelFS SS FCT-SIS18 (FS) + Screens + BIF
April 11 to 13 LHe filling
April 14, MoNickel & Gold FS SSCCC + Sc.-Test (with Au beam) + Screens
April 15, TuNickel & Gold FS SSCCC + Sc.-Test (with Au beam) + Screens
April 22, Tu NickelFS SSScreens (FS) + IC-calib. + BIF
April 23, We NickelFS SSScreens (FS) + IC-calib. + BIF
May 9, Fr NitrogenFS SS Shifted to July: Screens + SEM-Grid + IPM
May 13, Tu NitrogenFS SS Shifted to July: Screens + pbar-det.
May 16, Fr NitrogenFS SS Shifted to July: QBPM + FCT-SIS18 + spare

'Parasitic' means no change of beam parameters an no insertion of devices in the beam path!

General remarks:

Detailed Schedule for Beam Times

Time schedule for beamtimes 22.04. - 23.04.:

Tuesday, 22.04.
6:00: Startup. If possible continue Au scintill. measurement at HTP (AL, PB)
7:00: Beam to HTP, in parallel setup ‘high current’ Au-scheme at UNILAC
8:00: Screen tests (AL)
13:30 – 19:00: Access to HTP, BIF measurements (YS)

Wednesday, 23.04.
06:00 Startup/Access to HTP if necessary (VL, PB)
06:30 IC calibration, if possible followed by test with Au, otherwise BIF ealier
13:00 BIF (YS)
16:00 Screen tests (AL)

Time schedule for beamtimes 14.04. - 15.04.:

Monday, 14.04.
Change of order like discussed on Friday, 11.04.
6:00: Screens including beam alignement if necessary (AL)
10:30: CCC startup (FK)
in between: Sc.-Tests parasitic including access, about 45 min (PB); with Ni-beam and/or Au-beam if alignment can be done within 15 min
parasitic: BIF background with emCCD (YS)

Tuesday, 15.04.
6:00: CCC measurement (FK)
15:00: Screens (AL); start time depends strongly on CCC results on Monday
in between: Sc.-Tests parasitic including access, about 45 min (PB); with Ni-beam and/or Au-beam if alignment can be done within 15 min
parasitic: BIF background with emCCD (YS)

Time schedule for beamtimes 07.04. - 10.04.:

Monday, 07.04.
6:00 – 7:00 Beam to HTP (AR and operator), set up fast and slow extraction
7:00 – 8:30 BLM at HTP (PB and VL)
8:30 – 11:00 BLM at SIS (PB, VL and RS on the exciter)
11:00 – 19:00 BIF at HTP (YS, PF, TS)
In between test of Screens setup for ~ ½ hour (AL, PF)

Wednesday, 09.04.
12:30 – 16:00 Screens (AL)
15:00 – 19:00 BIF (YS)

Thursday, 10.04.
6:00 – 07:00 Preparation or intervention BIF/Screens (if required)
7:00 – 13:00 Screens (AL)
13:00 – 19:00 BIF (YS)

Time schedule for March 29 and 30:
Saturday, March 29:
14:00: Beam setup for S03-scraper usage, support by Lars Bozyk
15:00: Setup for extraction to HTD (Bozyk-Experiment)
15:30: 1st energy measurement for BLM studies, duration 15 min, prior lifetime measurement of Kr33+
15:45: BPM invistigations concerning intensitty dependance
16:15: 2nd energy measurement for BLM studies, duration 15 min
16:30: BPM invistigations concerning intensitty dependance
17:00: 3rd energy measurement for BLM studies, duration 15 min
17:15: BPM invistigations concerning intensitty dependance
17:45: 4th energy measurement for BLM studies, duration 15 min
18:00: BPM invistigations concerning intensitty dependance
18:30: 5th energy measurement for BLM studies, duration 15 min
18:45: QBPM
19:15: 6th energy measurement for BLM studies, duration 15 min
19:30: QBPM or finishing energy measurement for BLM

Sunday, March 30:
14:00: QBPM investigations as main activity
in between: continuing nergy measurement for BLM
if possibel in addition, but with low priority: BLM studies at HTP

Time schedule for March 21 and 22:
Friday, March 21:
12:30: Start, 300 MeV/u, beam alignment for slow and fast extraction, high current setting, expected 1e10 ppp
14:00: Several detector tests: Fast extraction: Al2O3:Cr screen (5 min); FCT, RT (including insertion of foil, 30 min); OTR (10 min); SEM-Grid (parasitic). Slow extraction: Al2O3:Cr screen and OTR(5 min), MWPC (variation of beam current, comparison to screen, 30 min). BLM tests (5 min)
16:30: BIF (variation of gas pressure, N2-gas, Ar-gas as additional topic), screens (parasitic)

Satureday, March 22:
12:30: Screen with slow extraction (all screens with spectrometer)
16:30: BIF (pressure variation, Xe-gas)

Time schedule for March 6 and 7:
News from noon meeting March 5: A change of the ion source is foreseen Thursday morning resulting in a break of 1 to 3 hours!

Thursday, March 6:
6:00 to 9:00: Beam alignment for fast and slow extraction, 300 MeV/u (?), high current, expected about 5e8 ppp, guided by Beata and Andreas, further participants Thomas, Plamen, Michael
9:00 to 9:30: IC-calib. by Plamen and Vladimir (prior to that time: parasitic tests)
9:30 to 10:00: SEM-Grid by Michael (prior to that time: parasitic tests, later parasitic tests as well)
10:00 to 12:00: pbar-detec. by Andreas
12:00 to 14:00: OTR by Beata and Christiane
14:00 to 19:00: Screens by Alice
14:00 to 19:00: BIF by Yulia, parasitic

Friday, March 7:
6:00 to 7:00: beam alignment, guided by Plamen and Beata(?)
7:00 to 7:30: Scint. installation by Plamen
7:30 to 8:30: Scint. measurement by Plamen with low current slow extraction
8:30 to 9:00: Scint. removal by Plamen, this block can be canceled in case of problems during the Thursday's program; the decission must be drawn on Thursday afternoon
9:00 to 9.30: SEM-grid by Michael as backup
9:30 to 10:30: IPM by Tino (prior to it parasitic tests)
10:30 to 17:00: Screens by Alice
10:30 to 17:00: OTR by Beata and Christiane in breaks of screen investigations
17:00 to 19:00. BIF by Yulia with gas inlet (prior to that time: parasitic tests)

Details for Beam Time Planning Feb. to May 2014

Each persons, who wants to excetute experiments should write his 'boundary conditions' here:


Feb. 6 to 18 with U, 1 Hz, no SIS delievery:

February 16 (sunday) , 14:00-22:00 : Christiane Andre > BIF US1-TK6
Beam parameters: Uranium at high current and different charge stages, max. 1 Hz
Task 1: Comissioning of new BIF monitors and check of old ones (with use of SEM Grids)
Task 2: Measurements with varied charge stages U4+, U28+, U73+
Task 3: Measurements in 'counting mode' to prove a calculated 'detector model'

February 16 (sunday) , 14:00-22:00 : Benjamin Zwicker: BSM
using the same beam parameters as BIF

Peter Forck & Timo Milosic: bunch length determination US6 from Feb. 17 to 18: beam U28+, detector for bunch length measurement at the 1.4 MeV/u HSI (US6) will be used, time frame 7 am to about 7 pm, single user due to insertions of slit in stripper section, Plan: Monday 17 detector & DAQ commissioning, Tuesday 18 usage of the device for accelerator optimization.

Benjamin Zwicker: Bunch shape monitor at TK5 from Feb. 16 to 18: beam U28+, …please add text

Michael Witthaus: SEM-GRID electronics at X2 from Feb. 16 to 18 (?): beam U28+, …please add text

Feb. 24 to 27, U, 1 Hz, parasitic beam time (i.e. 10 % of pulses):
Experimentators, Benjamin Zwicker at TK5 and Michael Witthaus at X2

April 24, Ni or Au, main user (?) for X2:
Experimentators, Benjamin Zwicker and Michael Witthaus ?


Rahul Singh: 'QBPM' Quadrupolar pick-up for beam size oscillation measurements & high intensity tune measurements:
High intensity beam, preferebly after 15th March. No other boundary conditions. Can run in parallel with other HTP experiments, since I can work with a low repetition rate machine.

Piotr Kowina: No experiments in first block (only participation at QBPM, tune).

Tobias Hoffmann: No dedicated experiments at UNILAC, SIS, HEST(for test using equipment which is running anyhow).


Alice Lieberwirth 'Screens':
Scintillation Screens in air before beam dump; energy ranges of 300-350 MeV/u or higher if possible by radiation security; beam intensity investigations with pulses between 10^5 till 2*10^9 ppp in fast AND slow extraction; radiation hardness tests with highest possible intensities in fast extraction; for uranium only spectrometry measurements need to be done, all other available ions are welcome for investigations in light output and spectrometry; parallel measurements can only be of (true) parasitic type and need to be discussed.

Stefan Lederer: The spectrometer is not needed during the first block.

Plamen Boutachkov 'Sc.-Test' and 'IC-Calib.'
Four scintillators in air, before the beam dump. Requirement: Ability to remove the scintillators when not tested. To do list:

  1. Compare the response of the photomultiplier under high load. The experiment can be perform with any medium mass or heavy beam. Preferably heavy beam at low energy (Au,U; 300-400 MeV/u). The beam intensity will be varied in a few steps up to 10^8 pps, slow extraction 1-10s. Measure for a few minutes at each step.
  2. Optimize the coupling between the scintillator and the photomultiplier. Heavy beam at low energy and light beam at low and high energy (like N; 400 and 1000 MeV/u). Two measurements with the heavy beam, about 5-10 min each. The measurements should be separated, allowing access to HTP in order to modify the coupling between the scintillator and the photomultiplier. One measurement with the light beam, 5-10 min for each energy.
  3. If time permits investigate the variation of light yield as a function of energy for small energy losses. Light beam, and heavy beam at variable energy. Scan the energy dependence with a large step of 100-300 MeV/u. Measure at each energy for a few min.

Test of ionization chambers for beam loss monitors. Use the vacuum valve at the entrancement of HTP to simulate beam loss. An entry in HTP is needed to move the detectors.

Oleksandr Chorniy, 'FCT-SIS18':
Preliminary, there two topics planned: First, measurements with FCT in the SIS 18. Testing the new FESA class which will be able to calculate online the main bunch parameters, length and position oscillations and corresponding frequencies. For hardware side it is planned to add in FESA class the multi-event board from Dmitry Liakin. High intensity is not required, but should be high enough to observe bunches. Second, purely beam physics/conference topic: measurements of the incoherent synchrotron frequencies distribution in highly intense bunches in the SIS18. The maximum possible intensity is needed.

Andreas Reiter, 'pbar-det.':
The pbar-det. are three different detectors: 1 BLMS of CERN type, 1 SEM detector (operating as Air-IC), 1 Air-BPM (segmented IC, 2 signals)
The first two are installed underneath the beam dump and DO NOT INTERFERE with the beam. The particle shower is the signal source.
The Air-BPM is installed across the beam and DOES NOT INTERFERE with the beam. The signal is induced by moving charges in the field cage created by the passing beam.
HV and signals are patched directly to the Atomic Physics Container (HV= S1, S2, S4; Signal = N1, N2, N3, N4)
The Air-BPM signals are connected to the QFW in the AP Container. Other signals are observed on a digital oscilloscope.

Vladimir Lavrik, 'BLM-SIS18' and 'BLM-HTP':
please add text…

Yulia Shutko, 'BIF':
please add text…

Michael Witthaus, 'SEM-Grid':
The SEM Grid (Type DG090) is installed at the end of the beam line on a pneumatic actuator (GHTPDG3GP).
The SEM Grid operated as segmented ionisation chamber for fast and slow extraction.
Both wire planes are fed to QFWs in the rack near the HTP beam line.
High Voltage is patched directly to the Atomic Physics Container (HV= S3)

Tino Giacomini, 'IPM':
please add text…

Febin Kurian, 'CCC':
please add text…

Dates of absence Feb. to May 2014

Peter Forck: Feb. 24 to 27, March 6 to 13, April 22 to 25

Access to HTP maybe possible on...

Feb. 1 to 2 weekend, only FRS experiments are running
Feb. 4 to 6 weekend, only FRS experiments are running
Feb. 11 to 13 weekend, only FRS experiments are running
April 25 to May 1 only FRS and HHT experiments are running

On following days only HAD-experiments are running → Do they need HTP as dump?

Beam Time Planning

Follow the links below to the annual planning: