niche side

Estimation of cable length between niche and E-Room

Find here an estimation of distances between BPM-preamplifyier housing niches and related E-Room: Length Estimation!

Base of estimation are files of cable length optimization prozess 2017 (files "Gestreckte Längen" Lph3),
to be found although at \\winfilesvH\B$group\1_FAIRGSI$docu\3_Buildings\K0923A_(T110)-SIS100_SIS300\Drawings_Plans\LPh3 ES (Elektroanlagen)\Trassenführung
There are although younger plans for cable traces, but those are without baemline parts drawn within: this lack does not give access to accurate length estimation (\\winfilesvH\B$Group\1_FAIRGSI$docu\3_Buildings\K0923A_(T110)-SIS100_SIS300\Drawings_Plans\LPh5 ES (Elektroanlagen))!

All 84x 4 BPM-cables must have the same length of [ 100m ] by definition to ensure same signal runtime for each BPM and plate!
This decision is made by P. Kowina at 13.3.2019.


Oportunity to decrease length of some extrem length in cells 1S38 und 1S58 by redirect from straight E-Rooms to curve E-rooms for those cells is rejected for similarity reasons by P. Kowina.