BIOS Main, Boot Restricted Setup disable, reboot, SFP+ TX enable! (evtl PXE enable)
1. Organize IP with correct DHCP boot settings e.g. sddsc126 140.181.XXX.XXX 00409e05d0e1 "LOBI\ T.Hoffmann" 066="fsl00c" 067="/lobi/pxe/pxelinux.0" 2. Prepare tftpboot/pxe settings 3. Start the system and press F2 for BIOS access
1. Main - Boot Features - PXE Boot [Enabled] 2. Main - Boot Features - Auto retry PXE Boot [Enabled] 3. Main - Boot Features - Front Panel ETH1 [Enabled] 4. Save & Exit 5. On reboot press again F2 to access BIOS 6. Boot - Boot Option #1 [IBA GE Slot 1600 v1513] for PXE boot 7. Save & Exit
This type of CPU is the latest version of a powerful MTCA.4 CPU from Concurrent Technologies, distributed by Powerbridge. Configuration is:
4 = Midsize Frontpanel
7 = Xeon 4-Core
1 = 16GB RAM
5 = Extended Options Region I/O = none (MTCA.4 compliant ), 2 x4 PCIe, Ports 4-11, With MTCA.4 uRTM connector.
1 = With 64 Gbytes microSSD, Front I/O: With 2x 10 GigE.
Alternative 471-32:
3 = Extended Options Region I/O = none, 2 x4 PCIe, Ports 4-11, Without MTCA.4 uRTM connector.
2 = With 64 Gbytes microSSD, no front SFP+