☚ [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche#historie_zu_den_fremdnutzern | Zurück]] ★ ====== Historie zu Fremdnutzern in SD-Nischen ====== {{:fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:fn:timeline.png?direct |}} **7.4.2020:** found no entries left in forbidden niches, change from RRF! **7.11.2018:** Update of cable list HF in CDB: Cables in niches with **NO** space for HF (s. here {{:fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:fn:gaestekabel_in_nischen_feb2019.png?linkonly|Cable to Forbidden niche}} ) **3.2018 - 4.2018:** Claming and reservation of normal power 230V in SD niches, that uses only Clean Power Supply as standard: [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:electronicroom:i-normal:i-normal| Normalstrom für Gäste in Nische]] ☛ **23.3.2018:** Hinweis an M. Frey (HF) bzgl. Netzwerkanmeldung für Gastkomponenten in SD Nischen (Herr Agoez, Controls sammelt) ###**(Some side relations:)** [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:butis | BUTIS cable]] ☛ **7.9.2017:** {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:fn:email_7.9.2017-2.pdf |Email von C. Müller an M. Frey}}: Fehlendes eingetragen: __Neu in Nischen (+3):__ 1S26.NISCHE.37a, 1S2E.NISCHE.A50, 1S62.NISCHE.126 **7.9.2017:** {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:fn:email_7.9.2017.pdf |Email von M. Frey}}: Aceptance of integrated HF-content in SD-niches as fixed in niche planing on wiki topped page! Attached:\\ {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:fn:abweichungen_der_sd.docx |Abweichungen der sd.docx}}, {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:fn:liste-tunnel-nischenbelegung_2v6.xlsx |}} **25.4.2017:** {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:fn:email_25.4.2017.pdf |Email M. Frey with}} EXCEL-list of components {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:liste-tunnel-nischenbelegung_1v81.xlsx |Tunnel-Nischenbelegung_1v81.xlsx}} they whant to find a home for in Piotres niches. **25.4.2017:** Meeting to over booked niches in accelartot tunnel with M.Frey (HF), B. Zipfel (HF), L. Bozyk (SIS-Sondereinbauten) **11.4.2017::** {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:fn:einladung_zum_nischentreffen_11.4.2017.pdf |Invitation to niche meeting}} on 24.4.2017 by C. Omet **7.12.2015:** C.Omets Email according niche planning (s. {{:fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:omet_email_vom_8.12.2015.pdf|Email}} ): C. Omet interacts for foreign GSI-groups that was sleeping before ( or was not taken serious enought to realize own save volumes for that purpose) P. Kowina states the requirement of save areas for electronic in tunnels: He managed to receive 84 niches in accelarator tunnel inner ring wall. That needed signs of two "Geschäftführer" at GSI side as well as FAIR S&B side. He was the only person who took care of those needs. No one elses cares. He projected a certain volume for SD needs based on experience even so there was no detailed planning at that point of time.