★ [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:overview#scope_of_bd_components_in_sis_100| Zurück zur Übersicht SIS100-Komponenten]] ★ ====== Halo-Kollimatoren Technical Info Page ====== ===== Basic Information ===== * 21 Halo Collimators are foreseen in SIS100 * Proton Halo Collimators * Ion Halo Collimators * Collimators for slow extraction * There two motion types planed: presurized air driven (all positions in range typ, nomenclature ending ".p") and stepper motor driven (ending ".s") * nomenclature (lt. {{:fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:email_l.bozyk_3.11.2016.pdf|}}): ^ # ^ Protonen Halo Kollimatoren ^^^ Erklärung ^ Auswerte-E-Raum\\ für Strommessung ^ E-Raum mit\\ Schrittmotorelektr.(M-Box) ^ | | Alt: 2016 | @#EEEEFF: __Neu: 2022__\\ **1S11DK0** | | | | | | | | Antriebsart || Strommessung? | **Streufolie:** | | | | | 1 | 1S11UHAPV.O.p | @#EeEeFF: 1S11UP0VO.p | 1S11UP0**I**O (#1) | (vertikal oben), p | **>[[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:electronicroom:s1b:rackplanning:s1b|S1]]b<** | **>[[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:electronicroom:s1g:rackplanning:s1g|S1]]g-240<** \\ K0923A.U30.240#RACK401 | | 2 | 1S11UHAPV.u.p | @#EeEeFF: 1S11UP0VU.p | 1S11UP0**I**U (#2) | (vertikal unten), p | ::: | ::: | | 3 | 1S11UHAPH.I.p | @#EeEeFF: 1S11UP0HI.p | 1S11UP0**I**I (#3) | (horizontal innen), p | ::: | ::: | | 4 | 1S11UHAPH.A.p | @#EeEeFF: 1S11UP0HA.p | 1S11UP0**I**A (#4) | (horizontal außen), p | ::: | ::: | | | | @#EEFFEE: **1S11DK1** | | **Kollimator-Absorberstufe 1:** | | ::: | ::: | | 5 | @#EEFFEE: 1S11DS1VO.s (Motor) || 1S11DS1**I**O (#5) | Ein Schrittmotor Leistungsteil\\ **1S11DS1V.GN**\\ [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:1s11a4|1S11.NISCHE.A4]] | | ::: | ::: | | 6 | @#EEFFEE: 1S11DS1VU.s (Motor) || 1S11DS1**I**U (#6) | ::: | ::: | ::: | | 7 | @#EEFFEE: 1S11DS1HI.s (Motor) || 1S11DS1**I**I (#7) | ::: | ::: | ::: | | 8 | @#EEFFEE: 1S11DS1HA.s (Motor) || 1S11DS1**I**A (#8) | ::: | ::: | ::: | | | | @#EEEEBB: **1S12DK3** | | **Kollimator-Absorberstufe 2:** | | ::: | ::: | | 9 | @#EEEEBB: 1S1**2**DS2VO.s (Motor) | @#EEEEBB: 1S1**2**DS3VO.s | 1S12DS3**I**O (#9) | Ein Schrittmotor Leistungsteil\\ **1S12DS2.GN**\\ [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:1s12a6|1S12.NISCHE.A6]] | ::: | ::: | | 10 | @#EEEEBB: 1S1**2**DS2VU.s (Motor) | @#EEEEBB: 1S1**2**DS3VU.s | 1S12DS3**I**U (#10) | ::: | ::: | ::: | | 11 | @#EEEEBB: 1S1**2**DS2HI.s (Motor) | @#EEEEBB: 1S1**2**DS3HI.s | 1S12DS3**I**I (#11) | ::: | ::: | ::: | | 12 | @#EEEEBB: 1S1**2**DS2HA.s (Motor) | @#EEEEBB: 1S1**2**DS3HA.s | 1S12DS3**I**A (#12) | ::: | ::: | ::: | | |||||| ^ ^ ^ Ionen Halo Kollimatoren ^^ ^ ^ ^ | 13 | 1S11UHA**I**V.O.p | @#EEEEFF: 1S11UI0V.p | 1S11UI0**VI** (#13) | Umladungsfolie vertikal (oben): Sektor 1, Zelle 1, Ende der Zelle | wie ob. | wie ob. | | 14 | @#FEDA85: **1S12DK1**\\ 1S1**2**DS1VU.s || 1S12DS1IU (#14) | Absorberblock vertikal (unten)\\ "normaler" Kollimator\\ [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:1s12a6|1S12.NISCHE.A6]] | ::: | ::: | | | @#FFEEEE: | @#FFEEEE: **1S52VU_E**((MK 9.2019))\\ oder\\ **1S52DK0**((TP v. PL)) ? | Vakuumkammer Septum\\ Endung E für Extraktion | | 15 | 1S52UHAIH.I.p | @#FFEEEE: 1S52**UIEH**.p | 1S52UIE**I**I (#15) | Umladungsfolie horizontal (innen): Sektor 5, Zelle 2, Ende | ^ ^ ^ Kollimatoren\\ für langs. Extraktion ^^ ^ ^ ^ | | | @#F1EEFF: **1S52DK0** | | | | | 16 | 1S5**2**DSKHI.s((vorher DS1)) | @#F1EEFF: 1S5**2**DS0HI.s | 1S52DS0**I**I (#16) | 2x Achse Schrittmotor an\\ Ein Schrittmotor Leistungsteil\\ [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:1s52a102|1S52.NISCHE.A102]] | **>[[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:electronicroom:s5b:rackplanning:s5b|S5]]b<** | **>[[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:electronicroom:s4b:rackplanning:s4b|S4]]b<** | | 17 | 1S5**2**DSKHA.s((vorher DS1)) | @#F1EEFF: 1S5**2**DS0HA.s | 1S52DS0**I**A (#17) | | | ::: | ::: | | | @#F1E0F5: **1S52DK1** || | ::: | ::: | | 18 | @#F1E0F5: 1S5**2**DS1HI.s((vorher DS2)) || 1S52DS1**I**I (#18) | 2x Achse Schrittmotor | ::: | ::: | | 19 | @#F1E0F5: 1S5**2**DS1HA.s((vorher DS2)) || 1S52DS1**I**A (#19) | ::: | ::: | ::: | | | TP 4.2022->\\ **MK 10.2020**->\\ E-Septum-> | @#F1C0F5: 1S53DK1\\ /**1S53VKP**\\ /1S13VU_E | | | | ::: | ::: | | 20 | @#F1C0F5: 1S5**3**DS1VO.s | @#F1C0F5: 1S5**3**DSPVO.s | 1S53DSP**I**O (#20) | Ein Schrittmotor Leistungsteil\\ [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:1s53a104|1S53.NISCHE.A104]] | | ::: | ::: | | 21 | @#F1C0F5: 1S5**3**DS1VU.s | @#F1C0F5: 1S5**3**DSPVU.s | 1S53DSP**I**U (#21) | ::: | ::: | ::: | ^ # ^ Diagnoseelement... ↑.......... ^^ .......... ↑ in Va-\\ kuumkammer ^ Erklärung ^ Auswerte-E-Raum\\ für Strommessung ^ E-Raum mit\\ Schrittmotorelektr.(M-Box) ^ Updatezwischenschritt: {{:fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:update_halo-kollimator_nomenklaturen_strommessung-zwischenschritt_.png?linkonly|Zwischenschritt}} >> {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:update_halo-kollimator_nomenklaturen_strommessung-resultat_.png?linkonly |Resultat}} * psp code: PSP-code of foreign group. Cables for completeness, to be passed to L. Bozyk * Model: ===== Schematic Setup ===== schematic: ===== Sensor ===== ===== Data Acquisition ===== * ADC: * I/O: ===== Cabeling ===== ==== Measuring cables - Strommessung (42) ==== **Remarks** = "Halo-Kollimatoren" ### 21x "Signal cable front end" 1: from BLM to IFC/patch panel in niche ✔\\ ### 21x "IFC control and data cable": from IFC to VDIO in E-Room (198) ✔\\ ### common "IFC-9V-Power Net main line": A common power supply bus line realize for BLMs and collimators\\ ### common "IFC-9V-Power Net endpoint line" T-end point line to niche {{:fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:messkabel_halo-kollimatoren.png?direct&600|Messkabel Halokollimatoren}} [[fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:electronicroom:overview:ov-of:of#frage_1-9| Fragen zu Schrittmotorantrieben]] ==== Stepper motor drive cables (50) ==== **Remarks** = "Halo-Kollimatoren: Stepper" === Principal === A) Between Steppermotor and PDC (per axsis) - 12pol. cable "Steppermotor Power Cable "((colors will be found below to mark that type in cable list)) with UTG01214S connectors (Sourial) **{{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:bea_12_stepper_motor_power_cable_.xlsx |Stepper Motor Power Cable BEA#12}}** ( {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:motorkabel_5-ph._vero_12_pol._st-bu_5001_.xls |}} ) - 9pol. Sub-D "Poti cable Stepper"((colors will be found below to mark that type in cable list)) **{{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:bea_13_poti_cable_stepper.xlsx |BEA#13 Poti cable Stepper}}** ( {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:potikabel_sub-d_9_pol.-vero_8_pol._st-bu_5002_.xls |}}) - optional "Encoder cable" - 2pol Lemo Out Put Possition cable (End point switch) B) **Between PDC and M-Box:** - __per PDC__: 9pol Sub-D twisted pair Male (@PDC)-Female (@MBOX) 2x: "**Serial1: Poti**"((colors will be found below to mark that type in cable list)) **{{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:bea_11_serial_poti.xlsx |Serial Poti 1 BEA#11}}** ({{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:cosylab_twisted-pair_sub-d_9_pol._bu-st_1018_.xls |}}), - __per AXIS__: 25pol Sub-D twisted pair Male-Male "**AXIS-Line**"((colors will be found below to mark that type in cable list)) **{{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:bea_10_axis_line.xlsx |Axis Line BEA#10}}** ( {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:cosylab_twisted-pair_sub-d_25_pol._st-st_1014_.xls |}}) - __per PDC__: ( 9pol Sub-D twisted pair Male-Female 2x: "Serial2: Encoder" ) {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:devices:winkelcodierer_ssi_kabel_twisted-pair_sub-d_9_pol._bu-st_1020_.xls |}} , [[projects:fair:cableinside:cableinside#table_of_pinnings|Collection of all pinnings (for pass to FAIR S&B as a hole)]] ☛ Extraction of System manual: {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:components:cable_steppermotor_system.png?direct&800|Cable details}} === Concrete realized === From Beam Instrumentation for L.Bozyk projected cables: {{ :fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:steppermotorkabel_sondereinbauten.xlsx |Steppermotor realated Cables for Halo-Kollimators - xlsx}}\\ {{:fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:niche:steppermotorkabel_sondereinbauten.png?direct&1000|Steppermotor realated Cables for Halo-Kollimators -png }}