★ [[fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:overview|☚ Back to enclosing E-room in L0516A.E10.130]] ★ ^ Direkt zu den anderen E-Räumen: ^^^^^ ^ [[:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:g0704a:links:rackplanning:overview|G0704A.E20.012 (links) ]]\\ für T101 ^ [[:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:h0719a:rackplanning:overview|H0719A.E30.123 ]]\\ für die Kreutzung ^ [[:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:overview|L0516A.E10.130 ]]\\ auf dem Weg zum Exp. ^ [[:fair-bd:machines:cr:technical_information:e-rooms:rackplanning:overview|H0209A.E10.035 ]]\\ Hin- & Weg-CR ^ [[fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:components:appa:reoom:eroom#possible_racks_for_beam_diagnostic_in_appa_building_itselfs|K0406A.E020.007]]\\ SD-room APPA ^ ====== Rackplanning in L0516A.E10.130 ====== ===== Most recent places ===== This room houses 22 BD racks. Actuell placing plan: **{{ :fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:l0516a.e10_geraeteaufstellplan_2017-08-21.pdf |Aufstellplan 14.6.2017}}**\\ | **{{ :fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:sf-l051-zu-0000002_d5d_000_-2022.08.09.pdf |Aufstellplan 9.8.2022-Pdf}}**\\ {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:g018-l0516a_2022.08.09.png?direct&600|png}} | {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:g018-l0516a-3d.png?direct&800|Plan 3D-21.08.2017}}\\ {{:fair-bd:organisation:buildings-and-infrastructure:pritschen:kabellaengen:fairlaengen:fairlaengen:2018:pritschen_im_dob0-2019.png?direct&400|DoBo2019}} | | @#A0FFA0: **♦ Excel-file with all Rows and Racks mit Makros zum Aus- und Einblenden ♦**\\ ☛ {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:rackplanung-g018-l0516a-v0.07.xlsm|Rackplanung-G018-L0516a-V0.07.xlsm}} ☚ || ---- **Attention: Different from rack planing of SIS100 this rack table is an EXCEL-file with known problems if several people work simultaniously on it (diversing working copies). So this Wiki place is THE storing place for it. Please always increase version number in filename as first step in case of changes and don't forget to store your new version back here after finishing your changes!** ===== Rack row 1 ===== Detektorgasmischstation\\ {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:rackreihe1.png?direct200|}} ===== Rack row 2 ===== Hinweis: Der Rackindex ist nicht mehr wie ursprünglich vorgegeben von links nach rechts, wenn man davor steht, sondern richtet sich nun nach dem Aufstellplan: Dadurch werden manche Rackreihen von links nach rechts gezählt, andere von rechts nach links!!!\\ **Die Ansicht ist auf die Rackfront! Deswegen findet sich im Kopf der Rackplannung die konsistente Zählung davor von links nach rechts UND darunter die jeweilige offizielle Racknomenklatur (die dem entgegen sein kann)!!!** **L0516A.E10.130#Rack214 <-> 201:** MSV0-6, SEM-Grid, MWPC, BPM, Reset-Master, SCREENS, HV(MWPC/SEM-Grid), Guests, IPM.#########Picture expandable in two steps by mouse click each (2x Clicken): {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:rackreihe2.png?direct|}} ===== Rack row 3 ===== **L0516A.E10.130#Rack301 <-> 308:** HV (IC/SEM-Foil, BLM), BLM/SC, PDC/IC/SEM, RT, FCT, Patchpanell, PA-Drive.#########Picture expandable in two steps by mouse click each (2x Clicken): {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:rackreihe3.png?direct|row3}} ===== Older places ===== {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:april2013_l0516a.e10_geraeteaufstellplan_2013-04-10.pdf|älterer 10.4.2013}}\\ {{ :fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:l0516a.e10_geraeteaufstellplan_hebt_2012-06-11.pdf |älterer 11.6.2012}} This number is greater then earlier projected. The original fraction between UPS/CPS was 4/10 (racks). The fraction between start modules 0-3/ modules 4-6 was 13/1 (racks). Based on that the new fractioning should be (with UPS light rose): ^ Supply Racks:^ UPS ^ CPS | {{ :fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:l0516a.e10.130_g18_nur_unsere.jpg?direct&400 |}} ^ Power\\ UPS [kW] ^ Power\\ CPS [kW] ^ | Modul 0-3 | 8 | 12 | ::: | 12 | 6 | | Modul 4-6: TSN1a\\ (Bypass pBar to NESR) | 0 | 2 | ::: | 0 | 3 | This tables is fet into requested form "ElektrischeLeistungsdaten" with additional field for heat exhaust water-air in May 2013. ---- \\ Plan below is an older version of the rack planning, that had to be changed because of the necessary space for way to emergency exit:\\ {{:fair-bd:machines:hebt:technical_information:electronicroom:l0516a:rackplanning:l0516a.e10_geraeteaufstellplan_2012-03-13.pdf|}} ---- \\ First step on the way to rack planning was calculation of the demand of equired racks from 2011 by Beata. It results in:\\ UPS-Racks: 4 a 1,5kW\\ CPS-Racks: 10 a 1,5kW\\