PLC Overview: At the Beam Diagnostics Department, PLCs are used as "slow control" devices for tasks like camera lens control, scintillator screen illumination with LEDs, pneumatic drives, remote power switches. \\ Currently 7 PLC systems are used with the FESA control system.\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_bif|BIF]]** - [[projects:bif-monitor:overview|Beam Induced Fluorescence]]\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_hta|LINOS HTA]]** - [[ds:private:projects:cupid:plcinfo|CUPID System]]\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_hht|LINOS HHT]]** - [[ds:private:projects:cupid:plcinfo|CUPID System]]\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_htp|HTP]]** - [[fair-bd:daq:projects:plc|HTP PLC]]\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_linos_cry|LINOS CRYRING]]** - [[ds:private:projects:cupid:plcinfo|CUPID System]]\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_pentax_esr|CUPID Pentax ESR]]** - Cupid System Pentax lenses ESR\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_pentax_htc|mCBM CUPID Pentax HTC]]** - mCBM Cupid System Pentax lenses HTC/HTD\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_pentax_HITRAP|mCBM CUPID Pentax HITRAP]]** - mCBM Cupid System Pentax lenses HITRAP\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_led_cry|LED CRYRING]]** - fully operational - target illumination YR\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_pneu|Pneumatic Drives CRYRING]]** - [[lobi-lib:2016:2016-19|CRYRING PLC Pneumatic Actuators Data Acquisition DAQ ]]\\ PLC system with no FESA (yet) :\\ • **[[ds:plc:plcinfo2_rpc|Remote Power Cycle]]** - in progess -> 01/2022 implemented LIBERAS \\ \\ \\