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fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:1s2ca46a [2016/11/01 16:54]
fair-bd:machines:sis100:technical_information:niche:1s2ca46a [2017/05/02 12:55] (current)
carsten [Nische 1S2C.NISCHE.A46a]
Line 25: Line 25:
 ^14|  |  ^ 14 |  ^14|  |  ^ 14 | 
 ^15|  |  ^ 15 |  ^15|  |  ^ 15 | 
-^16|  not usable, reserved for rack wheels    ^ 16 |+^16|  |  ^ 16 | 
 +^17|  |  ^ 17 |  
 +^18|  |  ^ 18 | 
 <color magenta>• Fremdnutzung</color> <color magenta>• Fremdnutzung</color>
 ====== Schiebebalken ====== ====== Schiebebalken ======
fair-bd/machines/sis100/technical_information/niche/1s2ca46a.1478015657.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/01 16:54 by carsten