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projects:ablass:dtim-hardware [2014/11/12 10:38]
pmiedzik created
projects:ablass:dtim-hardware [2014/11/13 16:26]
pmiedzik [ABLASS Server]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== DTim ======+===== DTim Version 1 =====
 +Maintained by Dmitry Lyakin <> ...
-==== Version 1 ====+FIXME 
-Maintained by Dimitri ... 
- +===== DTim Version 2 ====
-==== Version 2 ====+**Warning!!! Firmware Version 2 is not compatible with Version 1. 
 +Before you will upgrade firmware to latest version please read carefully whole instruction.**
 Maintained by Piotr Miedzik <> Maintained by Piotr Miedzik <>
 Components: Components:
 +  * CES RIO3 8064 (LynxOS 3.1.0a)
   * DTim   * DTim
-    HDLWB-Based +  1-4x Scaler module 
-  * RIO: LynxOS +  
-    * Ablas server (RIO+  * Hardware: 
-  * Scaler module+    * Board version: FIXME 
 +    * FPGA firmware: V2.0@2014-10-01 
 +    * DSP firmware: not used 
 +    * Front Panel firmware: FIXME 
 +  * Software: 
 +    * RIO ServerFIXME 
 +    * ABLASS Provider: FIXME 
 +    * ABLASS ... 
 +==== Lemo Input/Output ==== 
 +FIXME Add front panel picture 
 +^ Index ^ Jumper setting ^ Function ^ 
 +^ 1 | Output | Pulse on GSI Event start | 
 +^ 2 | Output | Pulse on GSI Event stop | 
 +^ 3 | Output | Pulse on GSI Event start/stop | 
 +^ 4 | Output | Trigger for Scaler Module | 
 +^ 5 | Output | Trigger for Scaler Module gated with start/stop events | 
 +^ 6 | Output | Gate between start cycle and end (will be added in Version 2.1
 +^ 7 | Input | Not used | 
 +^ 8 | Input | Not used | 
 +==== Header 1 ==== 
 +Not used 
 +^ Index ^ Mode ^ Function ^ 
 +^ 1 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 2 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 3 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 4 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 5 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 6 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 7 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 8 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +==== Header 2 ==== 
 +Header 2 is used to emulate VME Geographical Address. 
 +DTim board hasn't GA pins provided to VME Backplane. 
 +Default GA Address : //0x??????// 
 +^ Index ^ Mode ^ Function ^ Default jumper ^ 
 +^ 1 | Input/PullUp | GA0 | Yes | 
 +^ 2 | Input/PullUp | GA1 | Yes | 
 +^ 3 | Input/PullUp | GA2 | Yes | 
 +^ 4 | Input/PullUp | GA3 | Yes | 
 +^ 5 | Input/PullUp | GA4 | Yes | 
 +^ 6 | Input/PullUp | GA CRC | Yes | 
 +^ 7 | High impedance | Not used | No | 
 +^ 8 | High impedance | Not used | No | 
 +==== Header 3 ==== 
 +Header 3 is used for debugging purposes. 
 +^ Index ^ Mode ^ Function ^ 
 +^ 1 | Output | GSI events simulator output | 
 +^ 2 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 3 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 4 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 5 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 6 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 7 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +^ 8 | High impedance | Not used | 
 +==== FPGA Firmware V2 ==== 
 +Project repository:\\ 
 +GIT (Read Only): **%%git://**\\ 
 +GIT (Read/Write): ****\\ 
 +Wishbone Slaves: 
 +  * [[projects:lobi-ip_cores&#gsi_event_logger|GSI Event Logger]] - offset: 0x00000000 
 +  * [[projects:lobi-ip_cores&#gsi_simulator|GSI Simulator]] - offset: 0x000????? 
 +==== Diagnostic Tools ==== 
 +**WARNING!!! Diagnostic tools are available only for Linux Operating system** 
 +=== dtim_config === 
 +=== dtim_readout === 
 +=== dtim_sim === 
 +=== dtim_raw === 
 +===== ABLASS Server ===== 
 +=== Configuration === 
 +=== Startup === 
 +ablax_ablass process will demonize itself ( 
 +There are some important options that can be passed to  
 +  * **-d level** debug mask. Default 0 
 +  * **-f** do not demonize, stay in background. 
 +  * **-p pid_file** store pid into pid_file file. Default: ./ 
 +  * **-c config_file** path co configuration file. Default: ./ablax_ablass.cfg 
 +  * **-l log_file** path to log file. Default: **./ablax_ablass.log**. **-** means to log only to stdout, implies **-f** 
 +=== Debug mask === 
 +0 - no debug/log features\\ 
 +1 - debug general\\ 
 +2 - debug cycle'' 
 +3 - ... \\
-DTim Lemo Outputs/Inputs: 
-  - Output: Pulse on GSI Event start 
-  - Output: Pulse on GSI Event stop 
-  - Output: Pulse on GSI Event start/stop 
-  - Output: Trigger output 
-  - Output: Trugger output gated with  
-  - Input: Not used 
-  - Input: Not used 
-  - Input: Not used 
-Dtim Output/Input jumpers: 
-  - O  
projects/ablass/dtim-hardware.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/13 16:28 by pmiedzik