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Author Instructions

The LOBI document number is simply an ID number that allows to include different information to the data base. If you have a document, talk, presentation, publication, etc. that you would like to add to the LOBI documents:

1) Goto the document page of the current year, e.g. Documents 2014, and get the last entry, e.g. GSI-LOBI-2014-02. The new document ID begins with:
2) Decide on document type and short title or topic to complete the nomenclature Full nomenclature:
GSI-LOBI-2014-03-EXP-QFW Test
3) Create your document page and copy dummy input from template GSI-LOBI-20XX-XX-XX-XXXXX …:lobi-lib:2014: 2014-03
4) Replace dummy input (title, author list, keywords, etc.) and upload your document GSI-LOBI-2014-03-EXP-QFW Test
5) Add a new internal link at the top of the Documents 2014 page that connects to the new wiki page that contains all relevant information Documents 2014

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playground/playground/lobi-lib/instructions.1434562855.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/17 19:40 by andreasreiter