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Reason for the service: The detector counts more than 10 times compare to the detectors above, left and right of it. Will examine it if:

  • The detector is light tight
  • If the AVD is damaged
  • If there is radiation damage to the scintillator (not related to the above problem)
  1. LED check with multimeter:
    • Forward bias 1.75 V
    • Backward bias, open
  2. Dark counts, trigger 30 mV :
HV [V] Ileakage [uA] Counts[Hz]
300 200 0
1000 672 0
1500 1008 30
  • Visual inspection of the SCI
    • No yellowing, signs of mechanical damage on the surface.
    • Under UV, no spots

The Standard operating voltage is 1100 V, Il = 739 uA, counting rate bellow 5 Hz

hi/hi/blmservicerecords.1568978449.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/20 13:20 by p.boutachkov