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The Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface (Overview, installation and basic examples)

Environmental Monitoring

The Environmental Monitoring System is used to gather data from air temperature/humidity/pressure sensors. Also the water sensors in the basement are connected to this system.


BDIO Library

The BDIO library implements reading and writing of a tagged binary format. The main intention is for FESA classes to write directly to file in a compact and fast format while allowing clients to easily read these files offline. The library consists of C++, Java and Python libraries and a generic file explorer.

High Voltage Control

Information about the control of Wiener/iseg MPOD and CAEN high voltage power supplies, their Fesa classes and GUIs.
Information about the Fesa Instances of some MPOD crates including a Excel sheet to generate Fesa instances from the table contents.
Information about failures of Wiener/iseg/CAEN HV systems.

Location of startup scripts

Shared Libraries with FESA/FECs

How to deal with shared libs and FESA/FECs?

ds/software.1457452555.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/08 16:55 by rhaseitl