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FireWire cameras in Linux

Neither AVT nor Basler offer FireWire support in their official SDKs. (Both companies were asked in August 2016)

There is an open source project about contorling FireWire cameras in Linux:
Coriander project

Coriander has been sucessfully compiled and run on sdlx029 running CentOS7. The executable also run on a frontend after installing gnome libraries. I could run two cameras in parallel.


  • So far, only one specific FireWire cards works well in Linux. None of the PCI express or other PCI cards I tested was recognised. OnBoad FireWire ports also were not recognised.

  • Unordered List Item
ds/projects/bifupgrade/firewirelinux.1473689558.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/12 16:12 by rhaseitl