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Table of Contents


Tasks of the DS team are data acquisition and software.

The data acquisition for beam diagnostics at the FAIR project is part of an In-kind contribution. It will be mainly delivered and prepared by the GSI beam diagnostics department.



DAQ Systems for beam diagnostic devices
covers all aspects concerning the daq systems for every beam diagnostic device, e.g. BLM, Trafos, Cups etc.

Software and Software Tools
covers all aspects concerning FESA developments, software tools, scripts, drivers etc.

covers all aspects concerning the used hardware like creates, DAQ modules, cables, hardware development etc.

covers all aspects concerning the defined platforms (VME, IPC and µTCA), operating systems, cables and remote control issues.

Documentation, Training and Education
covers all aspects concerning talks, manuals for Java, Fesa, Maven, SVN and all stuff required for developing DAQ system in the control system

DAQ EOI Project Management
covers organisational infos, lists, plans, decisions a.s.o.

ds/ds.1421925165.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/22 12:12 by haraldbraeuning