====== Projects ====== [[projects:ablass:overview|Ablass]]\\ A system to record and display analog and virtual signals for SIS and HEBT devices. It provides for high resolution signal info as a function of time (spill structure), long time trending and integral count rates (per cycle). [[ds:projects:lassie:overview|Lassie]]\\ Lassie (Large Analog Signal and Scaler Information Environment) is the FESA based successor to [[projects:ablass:overview|Ablass]]. [[projects:beamview:overview|BeamView (Scintillating Screens) and ProfileView (BIF)]] \\ A system to view images of scintillator screens or beam induced fluerescence monitors via FireWire/GigE cameras. [[:data_acquisition_hardware|CUPID]] \\ The FAIR/GSI scintillation screen DAQ system in microTCA. [[ds:private:bsm|Bunch Struktur Monitor]] \\ The Bunch Struktur Monitor in the TK. Covered by Benjamin Zwicker's PhD thesis and Michael Beck's diploma thesis. [[ds:projects:bifupgrade:bifupgrade|Unilac BIF/PLC Upgrade]] \\ [[ds:projects:bifupgrade:firewirelinux|FireWire cameras in Linux]] \\ Upgrade project of the existing Fesa 2.10 PLC control to Fesa 3.0 and IEPLC [[ds:projects:cryring|CryRing DAQ]]\\ [[ds:projects:rt_hebt|Resonant Transformer for FAIR HEBT]]\\ [[ds:projects:fct_hebt|Fast Current Transformer for FAIR HEBT]]\\ [[fair-bd:daq:projects:steppermotor:overview|Stepper Motors for Beam Diagnostics Devices]]\\ [[fair-bd:daq:projects:fct_sis18:overview|Fast Current Transformer for SIS18]]\\ [[fair-bd:daq:projects:hest_upgrade|Upgrade SIS18/HEST Counter DAQ (Walterkisten-Ersatz) and High Voltage]] [[ds:projects:topos:topos|TOPOS]] [[ds:projects:ipm_sis18:ipm_sis18|Ionisation Profile Monitor (IPM) for SIS18]] [[ds:projects:retrofit:transformers|Retrofit2018 for ACTs and DCTs at TK, SIS18 and ESR]] [[ds:projects:poland|Poland Software and Fesaclass info]] [[ds:projects:unimon|UNILAC tank signal monitor (UNIMON)]]\\ [[ds:projects:MAPS|Macro Pulse Selector (MAPS@UNILAC)]]\\